Passionate craftsmen

Sbampato offers you classic furnishings, handmade by our expert cabinetmaker hands following a tradition that has been handed down for two generations, and contemporary and modern furnishings by experimenting with new materials and using the most modern finishes. Products in style and original productions that live together with those who use them daily.

The rigorous attention to the quality of the materials used and the traditional culture represent our fundamental principles. However, we do not lack the spirit of novelty and research of new materials, technologies and reworking of styles. The attention to detail and the utmost attention to the customer guarantee us to offer a quality product. Unlike mass production, in our workshops we think and create unique pieces.

We offer you a range of furniture and furnishings for interiors and exteriors, clubs and public spaces.

Guaranteed times

We guarantee deliveries according to the times agreed with our customers

Material qualities

Thanks to decades of experience we will be able to advise you on the best

Custom measures

Furnishings that adapt perfectly to your environments

Refined finishes

Precious details, inlays and special decorations


Via M.L.King 37056 Salizzole (Verona) Italy